Redmi Buds 6 Active was launched globally in severla market on Thursday. It is priced at MYR 69 in Malaysia and around Rs. 1,300 in India. It is also listed on the Xiaomi Global website and is priced at around $14.90 on AliExpress. The device is offered in four colour options: Black, Blue, Pink, and White.
Redmi Buds 6 Active In Malasia
The Redmi Buds 6 Active uses a half-in-ear design and is equipped with a 14.2 mm dynamic driver. It also features dual-mic noise reduction, which improves call quality. The device includes five preset equalization modes: Standard, Enhanced Treble, Enhanced Bass, Enhanced Voice, and Boost Volume.
The device also supports quick paring and immersive spatial audio. It also has support for Bluetooth 5.4 connectivity as well as 90ms low latency mode. Additionally, the buds have received an IPX4 rating for water, dust and splash resistance. The Buds 6 Active offers up to 30 hours of battery life on a single charge, while the earphones can also deliver up to six hours of playback.
The earbuds also include a 37 mAh battery, while the charging case has a 475 mAh battery. Additionally, the user also gets a USB Type-C port for charging. The earphones are 32 x 17.8 x 18.5 mm and weigh 4 grams, while the charging case size is 49 x 48.6 x 23 mm and weighs 36 grams.